Monday, July 22, 2013

Hmm, called the camera store and they referred to my Canon G11 as "a little point and shoot."  Oh dear.

I found this great website ( that lists some very good items to bring (alas, more $$$), maybe I can borrow?
1. binoculars
2. luggage that can squish down.  This never occurred to me but it makes sense since the cabin size is small.  But then I look at wheeled duffel bags and they can range from $150-300. Whew.
3. Waterproof backpack
4. power strip

Fortunately I have plenty of warm clothing from having lived in Minnesota - glad I didn't get rid of too much!

Getting ready!

OK, this is my first posting.  Getting ready for Antarctica, and figuring out how to use this website.
There is so much to do still!  Did you know that you have to apply for a Brazilian visa in person at the consulate?  The nearest one is in San Francisco.  You can also use a visa agency, but I'm assuming that costs extra and then you would be entrusting your passport to a stranger.

Airfare arranged: check
Hotels in Iguazu, Buenos Aires: check
Pre-cruise travel package: check

To do:
Brazilian visa
Reciprocity fee to Argentina
Seasickness remedies: TBD next week with physician
Supplies: waterproof pants, 300 mm zoom lens for camera, extra battery and memory card, long undies, waterproof covering for camera, (should I get one of those fishing tackle vests like in "Where'd you go, Bernadette?"), gluten-free snacks (still looking for the perfect 100 mL container so I can bring peanut butter onto the plane).
Shower SK (a.k.a. cat baby sitter) with gifts of appreciation
Fix the zipper on my suitcase

Here is a link to a penguin ID chart I found:
Penguin ID chart