Saturday, November 30, 2013

Last day in BA

OK this is my last post before heading to Ushuaia.  Yesterday was a pretty busy day.  After only a few hours’ sleep, went for a run down in the parks.  There is a large cluster of parks about 1.5 miles from my hotel.  Then, after breakfast I met Oliver and we explored Buenos Aires by bus, foot, taxi, and subway.  We went to the Recoleta cemetery (Where Evita is interred) and had coffee in a number of cafes, explored Ave 9 de Julio, Plaza de Mayo, watched tango dancers, looked at Antique shops and had extremely yummy ice cream.  We covered an awful lot of ground in one day.  Then last night I went to a fancy (and likely overpriced, not sure how much I paid for it) tango show.  I was so exhausted though that I found myself distracted throughout.  The couple next to me was from France and one of them spoke English so I had someone to talk to.  Then finally back to the hotel.

Figuring out flavors was a bit tough in Spanish.  I decided anything with chocolat or dulce de leche was a good start.  

This morning I explored the parks some more while running.  There is a fitness path that is a 10K with stops for exercises.   Since it was Saturday joggers were out in full force.  Very much like central park in NYC.
Tango show.  

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